Why Our Church is a Fairtrade Church
We are a Fairtrade Church because we are concerned about poverty reduction. The scheme allows us to engage in global responsibility. As Christians we have the opportunity to be prophetic and call others to action.
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices (which must never fall lower than the market price), Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives.
As part of our commitment we will:
1. Use Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar for all meetings for which Christ Church has a responsibility.
2. Move forward on using other Fairtrade products such as biscuits, or fruit.
3. Promote Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight- and through other activities whenever possible.
We regularly sell Traidcraft products in the church, normally on the first Sunday in the month.
We also supported Fair Trade Fortnight in March with a stall in Rayleigh High Street giving away free samples of Fair Trade products along with information. There was a great deal of interest from passers-by (particularly in the chocolate tasting) and many people were keen to find out more about how they could buy fairly traded goods.
Fairtrade Town
Rayleigh a Fairtrade Town
By choosing to support Fairtrade, a community can add it’s voice to demands for a trade system that puts people, not profit, at the heart of the transaction. Our voices become louder when we speak together.
A Fairtrade Town is a town, (or city or district) that has made a commitment to supporting Fairtrade and using products with the Fairtrade Mark.
Working towards a Fairtrade Town status will bring together neighbours, groups, the local authority and businesses towards a common goal and a shared achievement. Becoming a Fairtrade Town is a lot of work, good fun and a great way to bring people together. It will also be an achievement everyone can celebrate and a powerful message about how your community wants trade to work.
There are now over 500 Fairtrade Towns in the UK as well as many more areas campaigning towards status. The phenomenon has not stopped at the border. There are now Fairtrade Town campaigns in 23 countries around the world and all of these have been inspired by the example in the UK.
To have Fairtrade status a community works together to achieve 5 goals laid down be the Fairtrade Foundation. Community organisations, faith groups, businesses, schools and individuals all contribute to making their area a Fairtrade Town by pledging to do what they can to support Fairtrade and promote the Fairtrade Mark.
To support the Fairtrade Town initiative or discover more about it please contact [email protected]. or look at the following video.