Prayer life

Prayer is a vital element in a Christian’s life. It is a life long journey to discovering prayer and it has both private and group (corporate) facets, and can incorporate music, reading, meditation silence as well as formal prayers. At its root, prayer is revealing a conversation with God.
At Christ Church we have numerous ways to help and encourage you in uncovering what prayer can mean for you. These include:-

Space for Prayer – click here

Prayer Concerns – every month we print a list of people and needs in the church and community. We are encouraged to pray for some of these issues and also to give thanks to God when prayers are answered.
For more information please contact Jean Hall

Prayer Chain –  we have three ‘prayer chains’ where particpants phone down a list and intercede for a particular urgent need.

Taizé Worship – click here

Need help with prayer?

Sometimes it can be hard to know how to pray, sometimes we appreciate or need someone else to pray with us or for us. If that is you today, it would be our privilege to pray for you and we invite you to use the link below to tell us your concerns. You do not have to give names – you can ask to remain anonymous – or you may ask us to contact you further. All requests are treated in the strictest confidence.